One question we’re often asked is, “Do I pay an additional fee to use a broker to help me obtain disability insurance?”

In short the answer to this question is ‘no’. Disability policies, definitions and premiums are filed with each state’s insurance commissioner. As a result, the cost for individual disability coverage and the accompanying riders is the same if you work with a broker or go direct to the insurance company. However, the top insurance companies have discount programs they make available through their key brokers.

In other words, not all brokers are created equal. In fact, if you work with a disability insurance specialist who passes along these discounts to his or her clients, you can pay significantly less than the normal retail cost.

Billy Gwaltney is a disability specialist who works with hundreds of physicians and business professionals across the country. His focus is providing the best true specialty occupation coverage, with the maximum discounts offered by the top companies.

Make sure you have the best broker who also provides the lowest rates. Feel free to call or text Billy at (704) 707-5788.

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If you enjoyed and valued this content, you might also want to check out What is the process for buying a policy? This episode is available on this site’s podcast channel (Click HERE) or on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Billy  Gwaltney

Billy Gwaltney

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